Behrouz Soheili

Love Elixir Fell On My Copper And...

Love Elixir Fell on My Copper And…
This is one of my works which I like specially. Works like this want to break red lines which are enforced on artists by traditional atmosphere of Persian toreutics art.
The title of this work is a part of Saadi’s poem that says:
“ “who made your red face golden? Saadi” They asked
Love elixir fell on my copper and I got gold”
According to a historic mystical Persian opinion, love can change a person into the perfect man as the alchemy can change copper into gold. This notion describes seven level of spiritual love named Seven Valleys of Love that the highest and last one is Deprivation and Death in Love.
Like most of my works, the vessel has been considered as a human in this work. But, you cannot see the vessel except its base and some filings. Because, Love Elixir has affected and changed it into perfect lover or perfect man; so, it’s passed the last Valley and reached the highest level and death in love. Now you can understand why I have deleted the part of that Saadi’s poem in the title and replace “…” instead of it. Because I wanted to show non-existence.
Click to read more about
Saadi and Seven Valleys of Love. Be familiar with my collection named Literature as a Sculpture too.

  • Love Elixir Fell On My Copper And...

    Copper and copper filings
    12 × 22 ×  20 cm

  • Love Elixir Fell On My Copper And...

    Copper and copper filings
    12 × 22 ×  20 cm